PENZANCE Equine Solutions

Healing Hearts, Hooves and Minds through Natural Programs and Experiential Teachings

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Location: Douglas, Massachusetts, United States

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Rain, rain and more rain!

Wooo Hoo! This blog is working again! Hurray! Couldn't post for the longest time cause I could never get past the part where they ask for your password! I changed the cookies setting in my puter so I guess that did the trick.

Have MUCH to tell! We've actually accomplished much in spite of the horrific rains we've had!

The photo above shows our newest helper making friends with Rusty. The young man is a community service worker here for awhile and he took right to Rusty and Rusty to him. They've become great pals! Even in spite of all the rain we've gotten. It's been hard work around here with all the mud and water but this young man has proven to be one hard worker. He's a great assest, so far, to PENZANCE! And, Rusty so enjoys his groomings and playtime with his new friend! The two of them do very well together.

The photo to the left is one of our regular working students exercising Winnie ... the little mare who foundered severly and perforated her Coffin Bones right down through her soles. (See fo r her story under Pathologies.)Well, she's back into work and play finally, in full force! She's can be a lively little gal (the mare but, yeah, the working student, too! *grin*) and has enjoyed her time of learning to be a horse again. For all the dullness when we first met she is really quite an animated mare! I think she may just like her life here at Penzance! She'll never have to wear a bit again and certainly, there will be no spurs or other nasties to make her "behave". We happen to like the horses around here to want to work and play. Would rather have a horse WANT to go out on the trail than one that "needs" to be forced by whip or spur or bits.

And here's our Tamilyn Rose with a saddle all girthed up and ready to ride. First time except for when she was first here and just a weanling. She didn't bat an eyelash ... merely stretched around to both sides, sniffed, then let out a big sigh and dropped her head! Now, hopefully the actual backing will be just as easy! She's just turned 3, though, so the backing won't happen right away. Maybe by the end of this season but she won't be ridden until next fall as she's going on 5 years old. She's a big girl and the temptation is certainly there but she's still got a whole lot of growing to do, yet!

Rather than push my luck on this blogger server I'm going to continue this update in another posting ... so, tune in to the next entry ... :)


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